How to create a successful link building strategy - Movers Development

How to create a successful link building strategy

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The overall complexity of accommodating search engine algorithms is a well-known and daunting challenge in the digital world. With constant updates and having to balance between moving company SEO strategies, brand development, and authoritative content creation – it can be difficult to get the recipe right. By having a strong backlinks profile for your moving business, you get the SEO value your website needs while leaving room to focus on your brand growth and content ideas. In this article, we will dabble with some fundamental principles on how to create a successful link building strategy for your business.

Link building contributes to the online growth of your moving business

It is public knowledge that search engines appreciate a well-developed link network on a website. When you have a proper internal linking strategy for your website, both search engines and site visitors are able to navigate through your website with more ease.

  • Site visitors reward this by spending more time on your website and exploring the different resources your business offers, be that products, services, or articles.
  • Search engines reward this by assigning more value to your website, boosting its online rankings in the process.
Hyperlinking scheme
Link building is great for organic rankings and online growth.

Proper internal linking structures can also lead to an increase in your website traffic. It helps you connect to your target audience by offering them the useful pieces of advice and directions I mentioned earlier. So, in a way, you get to demonstrate the range of your website while at the same time helping visitors find the answers they came looking for. On the other hand, there is the appeal of building links that lead from other websites to your own.

Not only does a backlink drive traffic to your website, but it also gets a certain amount of value depending on the website it comes from. The higher the quality of the website that your website gets linked from, the higher the value it gets in terms of organic rankings. That is why it is so important to examine the domains that you target when working on establishing an impactful link building strategy.

Five steps to help you create a successful link building strategy:

  1. Understand your target audience
  2. Create a list of websites that your audience values
  3. Reach out to site owners
  4. Provide SEO friendly and quality content
  5. Use social media to amplify your content

Step #1: Understanding your target audience

If you are looking to grow your audience, you need to either expand your current audience or find a new one. But why not do both, through successful link building? All it takes is a little investigation and data analysis of your current moving company marketing efforts.

  • At Movers Development, we look to explore as many options as possible when searching for new ways to interest modern audiences and attract new ones.

There is no reason you can’t do the same, given how many ways there are for you to advertise your moving company. And the best part is that you don’t even need to invest a whole lot right away. You can start your analysis small, and then slowly expand it, while you learn more and more about your audiences.

Step #2: Creating a list of websites that your target audience values

Knowing your customers helps you target your services to them. This principle is something we’ve explored many times in the past. Whether you are looking to improve your social media marketing, generate more moving leads, improve your content, or create a link building strategy – it all rests in large part on understanding your customers.

When it comes to link building, the success of your backlink strategy depends on the type of sites that best relate to your business. You won’t hunt for links on software development or cosmetics blogs to link back to your moving company website. No, you will focus your efforts on websites that are relevant to your niche such as:

  • Real Estate & Housing
  • Travel & Tourism
  • Home Improvement
  • Insurance Companies
  • Logistics Journals, etc.

Having a list of the type of websites that your target audience enjoys spending time on could greatly further your successful link building strategy efforts. Once you gather the list of all the websites that people are looking at, next comes the outreach. You start communicating with the owners of those websites, asking them to provide links to your own website.

Step #3: Reach out to site owners

Link building requires making the added effort of negotiating with other websites. You need to give value in order to get value. That is where the appeal of guest blogging contributes to your link building efforts. And the process is simple enough:

  1. Find websites that are non-competitive and have a good trust flow.
  2. Check whether or not they have blogs, and if they accept guest articles.
  3. Contact the administrators to follow up on contributing to their blog in exchange for links.
  4. Negotiate the type of content they expect and deliver.
  5. Make sure that there is a link to one of the landing pages on your own website.

Step #4: Provide SEO friendly & quality content

An important part of the link building process is offering quality content to other websites in return. To begin with, your own website blog needs to establish your business as an authority in the moving industry. Whether you are offering an analysis of the moving industry or useful tips and guidelines for moving day, you want to do so in a way that readers will not only appreciate but also share with others. Make your content so appealing and informative that it will promote itself to anyone that reads it.

The other aspect to create a link building strategy based on content comes from contributing to blogs on other websites. Guest articles offer the opportunity to share your knowledge on websites that can relate to the moving industry and connect their readers with a reputable moving company.

Linking is part of the core foundation for online growth

Even after all the progress and inventions that mankind has created since the beginning of time, the human body remains the most complicated thing in the world. Why is that? Because our bodies are intertwined with hundreds of links, making up a structured and organized whole. The same principle should apply to any other creation.

Now, we might not be able to reproduce the human body just yet, but we can create a sophisticated and highly functional website for our business. All it takes is following some movers’ SEO principles and introducing a successful link building strategy. And if you are looking for a custom-tailored plan to ensure this for your moving business, Movers Development is here to help.