Welcome to Movers Development! We have tailored this Terms & Conditions in a conspicuous, easily accessible and understandable manner in order to inform you better about your rights and obligation you commit to taking by accessing this website. The use of this website is strictly governed by this Terms & Conditions, but any use of the Service provided through this website shall be governed by a specific contract that you will sign and execute before commencing utilization of such service. Please read the Terms & Conditions carefully and thoroughly before you start to use our website.
This website is owned, controlled and operated by Movers Development, a company registered in the state of New York. By reading the content on the website you will come across terms as “Us”, “We”, “Our” (in capital or small letters) which shall refer to Movers Development. Any person who uses our website shall be referred to as “You”, “Your”, “Yours” or “User” (in capital or small letters) and it shall include but not limit to vendors, purchasers, browsers, contributors of contents, merchants, consumers, customers or clients.
By accessing this website, you expressly, solely and unambiguously agree to be bound by these Terms & Conditions, including any additional terms and conditions, policies referenced therein, or available through the hyperlink including without limitation Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy. These Terms & Conditions shall be effective immediately upon you commence the use of this website.
In any case, you decide not to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, you are requested and obliged to leave this website and not commence any further access or use of Service unless you provide consent thereto. The only available remedy for your dissatisfaction with the use of this website is to refrain from further use of the site and/or Service provided herewith.
We reserve the right to modify our Terms & Conditions according to the Modification Section of this Terms.
Section I – Website Use and Restriction of Content
By using this website, you acknowledge and provide your content that you shall not use the website for any of the following purposes:
- For any political purpose,
- For any commercial purpose including without limitation collecting products prices, soliciting funds, advertising,
- To engage in any illicit and unlawful activity or to engage in any obscene, intrusive or offensive action or any breach of third party rights,
- To decompile or to modify any website source or code or to cause damage directly to the website or to other User of this website,
- To obtain and collect information or otherwise use any personally identifiable information of the User without first obtaining our express consent or the consent of the User,
- To intervene or bypass any security feature of the website or any other feature that imposes a limitation or certain restriction on use or access of this website,
- To use this website, network or computer systems related to the use of this website including without limitation accounts,
- To conduct any unauthorized advertising or any type of marketing to any legal or natural person accessible or approachable through this website or otherwise communicate with, spam, or offer any goods or services that are not authorized by us,
- To violate provisions of this Terms & Conditions in any manner.
It is your responsibility to provide all of the equipment, tools and it is your sole responsibility to secure and cover all of the incurring fees and expenses for the sake of proper, effective use of the website
Any content available on this website is the sole property of Movers Development and/or its subsidiaries, parent companies, affiliates, and licensors. Content includes without limitation any material, information, texts, words, names, symbols, graphics, designs, motion pictures, images, video clips, audio clips, data, music, sounds, software, codes, website name, brands, logos, illustrations, etc. (“Content”).
Subject to this Terms & Conditions, we grant you a limited, non-exclusive, non-assignable, non-transferable, revocable license to view, display and obtain Content for your personal non-commercial use.
You acknowledge and consent not to use this website content without express written consent from us or our licensors. You expressly agree not to: 1) gather, reproduce, distribute or disseminate any content by manual or via software tool including without limitation any scrapper, spyware, crawler, spider bot, robot, etc. 2) use any Content which suggests that Movers Development and/or its subsidiaries, parent companies, affiliates or its licensors have established association with you or any other third party without prior authorization, 3) modify and alter Content, 4) not reproduce original work of the Content, 5) publicly display, broadcast, retransmit, sell, lease, rent, exchange Content. 5) not modify and alter Content to integrate any code in the Content in order to produce an adverse effect.
Any content you provide through use of this website through any feature of this website including without limitation blog feature, message, comment, email or any other form of oral or written communication available through the website. (“User Content”) you expressly agree to grant us the non-exclusive, sub-licensable, transferable, royalty-free and worldwide license to use such User Content. You agree to provide content that: 1) is not illicit and unlawful, obscene, offensive, abusive or otherwise objectionable, 2) does not violate any provisions of applicable laws or infringes any intellectual third party rights or any other rights, 3) to bear responsibility for any User Content you provide through the website, 4) is deemed by your side as non-confidential despite denoting such User Content as private or confidential in your privacy policies or other documents to extent that we do not assume any responsibility to you or any third party regarding such User Content.
We do not seek for unsolicited content, material or ideas for improvement of our products or service or for any other purpose. If you provide us with such content, materials or idea, such shall be treated as User Content which is regulated and licensed as set above in this Section.
Section II – User Eligibility
Use of this website is intended to legal persons and natural persons of the age of majority and to that extent you represent and warrant that you are of the age of majority or over. Any use of the website by the person under the age of majority is unauthorized and in violation of this Terms & Conditions.
Section III – Description of Service
Services offered through the site relate to any kind of service provided and offered to users through any feature or advertisement of this website. (“Service”)
Comprehensive and in-detail description of Service, rights and obligations to the parties and all miscellaneous legal matters thereto shall be specifically regulated by Specific Contract executed between Movers Development and the user on an individual basis.
Section IV – Reservation of Rights
We grant you narrow and limited rights to use and access this website and its features. Any and all rights that are not expressly conveyed by this Terms & Conditions are reserved by Movers Development.
Section V – Trademark
All trademarks, service marks, logos, trade names available on this website are protected trademarks under the State and Federal law and are the property of Movers Development or its subsidiaries, parent companies, affiliates or its licensors. You may not use such trademarks, service marks, logos and trade names or substantially similar marks to identify and denote your identical or similar goods or services without prior obtaining consent from its owner.
Section VI – Copyright
Any Content or material published on this website is owned or licensed to Movers Development and is protected under Federal and State copyright laws.
You may not reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works or publicly display Content published or distributed through the website other than this Terms & Conditions expressly allow so.
Section VII – Intellectual Property Rights
We care for our intellectual property, hence we care for intellectual property rights of others. In accordance with Digital Millennium Copyright Act we encourage you to notify us promptly as of the time you discover that any content or material on this website is subject to third party’s intellectual property rights which have been infringed by posting on the site, upon receipt of sufficient notice (hereinafter referred to as “Notice of Infringement”), we shall immediately remove disputed Content and Material from the website without liability to you or third party. Notice of Infringement shall include:
- Description of the Intellectual Property that has been infringed alongside with the specimen if appropriate,
- Identify content or material available on this website, or transmitted by as the part of service, which allegedly infringes intellectual property rights of third parties,
- Your contact information, including full name, phone number, email address, address,
- A statement provided by you that you have a good faith belief that disputed use is granted by the intellectual property owner, its agent, or by the law,
- A statement provided by you, under penalty and perjury, which reads that all information provided in the Notice of Infringement is accurate and that you are the owner of the disputed intellectual property right or you act as an agent on behalf of the owner,
- Sign the paper, and
- Send the written Notice of Infringement in hard copy to the following address: [email protected].
Section VIII – Security and Passwords
By using this website, you may be required to create accounts and/or to provide a password to access certain utilities provided within the website. Any information you provide to us has to be complete, true and accurate as indicated by the given form.
Section IX – Hosting Service
Our ability is not limited to a specific type of hosting providers and it spans to the wide variety of hosting providers, but due to a technical limitation that may occur from time to time, we may request from you to migrate to another host. In that event, we shall, to our best knowledge, provide the hosting services that shall adequately meet your needs.
A user will not hold us liable for any glitches, malfunctions, or any other technical problems resulting from or in connection with hosting service.
Section X – Operation of the Website
We operate this website from our premises located in the state of New York, United States and to such extent we do not make any representation that access and use of the website are available from any third country. If you intend to use this website from other location than stated herein, you acknowledge and consent to bear all responsibility to conform to your online conduct in accordance with the extent applicable with your governing local law.
Section XI – Website Availability Limitation
We reserve the right, under our sole discretion and assessment, to limit the availability of this website including the provision of any content, materials, products or service offered through the website to any legal or natural person, province, state country, jurisdiction, a geographical region without specification of reason thereto.
Section XII – Representation and Warranties
User represents and warrants that use of the website and/or Services shall:
- Not misappropriate or infringe third party privacy, intellectual or any other rights,
- Comply and be in strict accordance with all applicable Federal and/or State laws or regulations,
- Comply and be in strict accordance with these Terms & Conditions
Section XIII – Warranty Disclaimer
By using our website, you acknowledge and agree that all website-related products and Services, any material, content or information published on the website we provide is “as is” and “as available” without any representations, liabilities or conditions of any kind, either expressed or implied including without limitation all of implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, durability title/non-infringement.
We do not guarantee, represent or warrant that any use of our website, site-related products, and Services, analyses performed upon your personal request, any materials, hosting service, content published on the website or delivered to you as a portion of Service shall be without errors, of expected quality, timely delivered, glitches-free or uninterrupted. Any result expected or procured from the use of the website or from the Service delivered through the website is not guaranteed, neither we warrant the delivery of such accurate, complete and reliable Service obtained through the website.
We do not guarantee, represent or warrant that any published statistics on our website is accurate and correct. Statistics published on the website are the result of our devoted endeavor to analyses and highlight statistical data based on a sample basis.
We provide every effort to keep all the information available on the website up to date, accurate, complete and correct. Nevertheless, we do not guarantee, represent or warrant that information available on the website are accurate, complete and correct. Materials and Content on this website are made only for the informative purpose and should not be relied on upon without first consulting Movers Development, through the contact at the end of this document.
Images and displays provided at the site are shaped in order to reflect the best possible quality. To that extent, we do not guarantee that device you are accessing the website shall display such quality of images and displays.
Section XIV – Limitation of Liability
To the fullest extent permissible by the applicable law Movers Development nor its subsidiaries, parent companies, affiliates including but not limited to its respective officers, directors, employees, agents, contractors, services providers, subcontractors, suppliers, insurers, and representatives, under no circumstance, shall not be liable to you or any other person for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, punitive or the other damages whatsoever including but not limited to those damages arising from lost data, lost profits, business interruption that result in any way from use of this website, site-related products, any content published on the website or delivered to you as a portion of Service through this website whether based on the contract, tort, warranty or any other legal theory and whether or not advised of the possibility of such damage. If applicable law may not allow the limitation or exclusion of incidental or special damage, hence the above exclusion or limitation shall not apply to you.
Section XV – Indemnification
You expressly consent to defend, indemnify and hold harmless, at its sole expense, any claim, suit or proceeding brought against Movers Development and/or its subsidiaries, parent companies, affiliates including but not limited to its respective officers, directors, employees, agents, contractors, services providers, subcontractors, suppliers, insurers, and representatives, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, insofar as such claim, suit or proceeding arising from or is in connection with use or misuse of this website, from breach of these Terms & Conditions or policies incorporated herein by the reference, your violation of any rights of third parties or respective Federal or State laws.
Section XVI – Third Party Links
Our website may contain links or references to other websites or other internet features operated and controlled by third parties. These sites may contain content that some persons may find offensive. These links are attached to the website for your convenience and nothing should be construed or should imply that we are owner, sponsors, in affiliation or in association with the website controller nor we endorse or recommend use or access to third party link or its website. We disclaim any responsibility concerning third party links or references to other website or other internet features operated by third parties, to which you acknowledge and consent to access any third party sites or references linked via this website under your own risk and that will not hold Movers Development reliable for inconvenience, misrepresentation, cost, damage or loss.
Movers Development reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to terminate and cancel any third party links or references that deem inappropriate or offensive with the use of this website.
Section XVII – Personally Identifiable Information
Personally identifiable information that we obtain through the use of this website shall be governed by our Privacy Policy.
Section XVIII – Agreement to be Contacted
You acknowledge and agree that any contact information you deliver to us, through predetermined or free form, using website utilities or through an email address, is delivered on a voluntary basis and shall be used for advertisement and marketing purposes.
By providing us with the contact information, you acknowledge and consent to be contacted through any means of communication including without limitation e-mail service, telephone service, mail service, online audio or/and video call, etc.
We do not charge any fee to receive telephone calls or text messages from us and/or our subsidiaries, parent companies, and affiliates.
If you decide to stop receiving advertisement or marketing materials from us through any means of communication, please opt-out by sending STOP to this email address [email protected]. Please indicate the specific mean of communication for which you decide to stop to receive calls or text messages.
Section XIX – American Disability Act
We tend to make our business accessible to everyone without discrimination, therefore we have tailored our website to be compliant with the American Disability Act (“ADA”). This means that our website accommodates visually impaired users by producing content which is suitable for screen-readers. We use links with descriptions alongside the website options and actions that are easily approachable through a keyboard.
If you find any kind of difficulty accessing our website, please contact us at [email protected] and we will resolve the issue without further delay.
Section XX – Termination
You acknowledge and agree that we reserve the right to suspend your access to this website at any time without any notice, upon our sole discretion and assessment for any reason including without limitation breach of this Terms & Conditions or any fraudulent or illegal activity.
Upon termination, certain provisions shall survive, including provisions of Section V, VI, VII, IX, X, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, XXI, XXII, XXIII, XXIV, XXV, XXVI, XXVII.
Section XXI – Modification
You acknowledge and consent to any amendment, modification or supplements of this Terms & Conditions which shall be effective immediately upon publishing of such.
Section XXII – Breaches of Terms
Please be kind to contact us without delay if you encounter that any breach of this Terms & Conditions or Privacy Policy has occurred at the address available at the end of this document.
Section XXIII – Governing Law
This website is controlled by Movers Development, company registered in the State of New York, United States. It can be accessed by any person across the world, who hereby unambiguously consent that all disputes, claims, or legal actions that directly or indirectly arise out of the use of this website or in any other way relate to the subject matter of the Terms & Conditions or the parties’ relationship, whether sounding in contract, tort or otherwise, shall be governed by the law of State of New York.
Provision to submit all disputes, claims and legal actions to the Federal or State courts of the State of New York shall be especially enforceable, and each party concerning previously said waives any venue, jurisdictional or inconvenient forum objections to such courts and consent to jurisdiction in New York.
Section XXIV – Entire Agreement
This Terms & Conditions specifically regulate the use of this website.
Before been provided with service User shall execute a specific contract with Movers Development which thoroughly regulates the provision of the Service and rights and obligations to the parties (“Specific contract)
This Terms & and Conditions and Specific contract executed between User and Movers Development shall constitute the entire understanding and agreement with respect to terms of service and use of this website. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of the Specific contract and this Terms & Conditions, the provisions of the Specific contract shall prevail.
Section XXV – Severability
If any part of the Terms is held invalid, void or unenforceable such part shall be deemed stricken, with the remaining part of this Terms in full force and effect.
Section XXVI – Captions
Captions of this Terms are for convenience only and cannot be deemed to affect the provisions themselves.
Section XXVII – Contact Information
If you should have any question regarding the use of this website, its Terms & Conditions or Privacy Policy or any other policy concerning this website please be kind to contact us by sending e-mail to this address [email protected].
This Terms & Conditions are in effect as of [insert]
Last updated on May 09, 2019.