With the constant evolution and development of search engine algorithms and SEO standards, it’s difficult to determine the right website content strategy. However, we learned that everything is possible with little research and determination. So, if you are in the market for the right idea on how to organize your website structure, here are some helpful guidelines. Consider that when it comes to search engine optimization for companies such as your own, this is an important first step. In saying that, we strongly advise that you take your time before you make any final decisions. And now, let’s get down to it.
How should you formulate your website content strategy?
#1: Examine your target customers
Before you start working on your content, you need to consider your target audience. After all, it’s the customers that will be visiting your website and reading the content you provide them with. And they will only contact you based on what they see. Consider what it is that they will expect from your services:
- Do they need local, long-distance or international relocation assistance?
- Are they interested in a household or office move?
- Packing services and materials – is it something they expect from your company?
- Is there a possibility of storage if they hire you?
- What special moving services do you offer etc.?
Countless questions that only your website content strategy can answer unless you want to spend your entire day on the phone. And based on your services, you will also be able to determine which type of audience to target with your content. Your copy must relate to them and address their specific needs. It should tap into their emotions and call them to action. And once you’ve developed a target website content strategy, it will be all the easier to form and optimize your landing pages.
#2: Pull visitors in with facts instead of fiction
Much like a resume you’d use to land a job, your website content is there to showcase your company. And so, to avoid bragging or appearing pushy, you should fight any urges to build up expectations. Instead, you should offer a straightforward presentation of the work you do and how it can benefit the client.
The content on your Home Page is one thing, whereas the About Us page content is completely different. Don’t presume that a good website content strategy can be so simple to make each page appear the same. Instead, focus on diversity and do your best to find a balance between different sections and pages on your website.
When writing the ‘About Us’ page, you don’t want to say the same things that appear on your Homepage. You also don’t want to sound like you’re boasting. As in most things, the best answer is to find the middle ground.
#3: Incorporate your values into your website content strategy
As mentioned, your website represents who you are as a company, just like your employees and everything else that people see. Hence, it is only logical that you should highlight your company values in every aspect possible. You should focus on helping leads realize why it is that your company is the best for them.
It starts with a short and memorable company motto and spreads to key traits of your company and workers. And you can take it a step further with charity and corporate missions. And all these serve the goal of helping customers see your company’s worth and opting for your services.
#4: Remember to keep it interesting
Nobody likes to read the same type of content throughout the website. It might be informative, but it is also boring and hard to pay attention to. What you need is something more engaging to pull customers in and keep them interested. This is where optimization comes in later, but it is also something a professional SEO copywriter can help you with.
#5: Get up close & personal in your About Us content
Some people choose to write their overall content as though an objective third party has provided the information. Although professional, that approach often comes across as stuck-up and overall hard to believe. So, instead, use first person (I) or first-person plural (we), depending on which is more appropriate for your situation.
Nobody really appreciates a corporate website content strategy. People are sick and tired of what modern businesses have become with the alienation of customers and focus on profit instead of customer satisfaction. If you truly want to develop your moving company, your leads need to be able to put a face on your business. This is why your content should speak to them, and it should do so in a friendly neighborhood tone. Because it is a friendly style of writing that helps people connect with you on a personal level.
Focus your website content strategy on what potential customers expect
Instead of empty promises, focus on guarantees
If your company is as good as you are certain it is, then you have no need to make bold claims to potential customers. Instead, let the hard work of your moving crews and past reviews speak for you. And when leads do reach out, be realistic and calm, without any enthusiastic “we can do it better than anyone” claims. Instead, focus on what your company can offer and how solid that is. And for most people, that will be more than enough – it’s easier to detect false claims than you might think.
As far as the website content strategy is concerned, any details you provide will make your claims more memorable and believable. So, anytime you can add specific facts and figures to support your claims, it will win you credibility.
And this is definitely something you want when you start a moving business:
- Collect data about all the jobs and projects you do
- Include figures and testimonials in your website content strategy
- Present your company goals and motivation to customers
Always try to inspire trust with your website content strategy
Remember that business wasn’t always conducted online. And some people still choose not to put their trust in digital business and sales. Instead, they ask to speak with someone or for a face-to-face meeting. However, these cases are slowly becoming extinct.
Everything is coming up digital today. And with the evolution of marketing trends, you should look to learn how your company can keep up. So, you should focus your content on the conveyance of trust and reliability when it comes to the services your company offers. Otherwise, no one will be inclined to do business with you.
Remember to optimize your website content – all of it
SEO teaches us the importance of content optimization, and with good logic. Not only do optimized pages make your website more search engine-friendly, but they also make the overall pages and posts more attractive to the eyes of the readers. This is why simply typing out the text is no longer enough. We as people have become dependent on the appearance of online content – short attention span and all that.
Mold your already informative page into a visual masterpiece
Given that your optimal content per page should go over 1000 words, you might need to consider the concept of text editing. After all, none of us prefers to go through mind-numbing content without any elements to help us highlight the most important part or details. And to do this, you might want to try the following:
- Subheadings – why not go “school paper” on the content and input some useful sub-headings to help readers. This way, people will be able to discern the part of the text they are truly interested in, instead of having to go through every sentence to find what they need. Just consider the descriptive sub-headings you see in this article and take an example from our book. Trust us when we say, your readers will appreciate it, as will you.
- Bulletins – it’s always easier to go through the services a moving company offers if you have a clear list in front of you. The same goes for any aspect of useful or insightful writing, be it moving tips or a packing guide, etc. If you are looking for the best way to provide extensive information to readers without overwhelming them, bulletins are the key. And on a visual side-note, they de-clutter the layout of the page.
- Graphics – charts, logos, infographics, or any other visual representations will make your page more attractive. Just be sure they support the website content strategy is saying. Include explanations in the form of captions when appropriate. A good idea would be to make use of the many advantages of WordPress when it comes to website development.
Bonus tip: create and implement a clear linking strategy. Internal links are the web that should strengthen your overall website content, one page to another, etc. So, remember to offer links to the pages where they’re mentioned. And always try to include a link to your Contact page so visitors can reach out with ease.
There is no website content optimization without the use of images
Every content writer would like to think that people are most interested in the actual text, but the truth is much less fortunate. The world is progressing and going into fifth gear – we have to do the same. People no longer have the time they had to stop and read every word of the countless pieces of information they receive. Instead, we choose the content we decide to spend time on. And to do so, we use basic criteria such as the overall layout and colorfulness of the text. This mostly comes down to skimming through the text and checking whether or not it’s even worth reading.
Images, however, are something that can grab attention and attract people to a certain article. And although it is painful to admit, it helps both readers and Google value your website content strategy more. Images now carry the effect you once could inflict on words – it creates an image in the minds of individuals. It helps you connect to the reader and represent to them how their life could be easier with the services your company offers.
How do I incorporate images in my company content strategy?
Quite easy. Instead of focusing your attention on finding the perfect stock photos, you should invest time into making your own. Simply include photos of your employees during the move or any other workday. Share the positive sides of the jobs you do and help customers realize how much you actually enjoy your work. It’s interesting. And it makes you approachable. Visitors will begin to feel they know you. From there, it’s just a small leap for them to trust you and want to do business with you.
Invest time and part of your website content strategy into Social Media outlets
People might want the chance to get to know your moving company on a more friendly basis. And in the world we live in today, nothing says “friendly” like social media presence. So, you might want to consider promoting your business with the help of social networking platforms such as:
- YouTube
- Pinterest etc.
Promote these pages in your About Us content. It will give online visitors the chance to experience additional dimensions of your company’s personality. It’s also a great way to add followers and turn casual supporters into leads and promoters.
Make sure to constantly updated and nurture the content on your website
As a company grows, so should its website. This is why you need to continuously tweak your online content to perfection. If you introduce new services or innovations, make sure to update it online as well. A blog section is an important part of any modern website and business, from both a social and an SEO perspective.
To conclude – think about what would happen if someone were to ask you about your business today. What would you say to them and how would you say it? Do you have an idea? Good. Now, all you have to do is go out there and convert that idea into the content. And the next thing you know – you have the perfect website content strategy. Good luck!