How best to stay ahead of your competition | Movers Development

How best to stay ahead of your competition

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The moving industry has been here for a while now. And with time and growth, many moving companies have come and gone. But the fact remains that the business of relocation is still a competitive one. And this is definitely one of the things you should consider when developing your moving company. In other words, if you truly wish to grow your business, you need to learn how best to stay ahead of your competition.

Stay ahead of your competition to ensure the development of your company.
Learn how best to stay ahead of your competition in the moving industry.

Six questions to help you stay ahead of your competition

1. What is the competition really up to?

It is always important to follow current moving industry trends on a regular basis. And it is also important to study the plan of action of your competitors. In spite of present movers’ news and services, what does the future hold for the industry?

Business models, online newsrooms, marketing materials, and annual reports…these are all key elements. Elements that can reveal secrets pertaining to goals for growth. So if you are interested in staying ahead of your competition, you need to review this information carefully. And then consider strategic activities to pursue what your competitors might have missed.

It is only by being aware of the activities of your competition and the wider picture that you can develop further. This can give you the opportunity to realize unique ideas and services that will keep you two steps ahead.

2. What do your customers want?

Stay ahead of your competition by learning what your clients need and want.
In order to stay ahead of the pack, you need to find out what it is the customer wants and expects.

In order for improvement ideas to be created, you need to obtain feedback from your clients. Customers are the ones that can provide the best type of feedback needed for the development of your moving business. They can tell the company exactly what they want now and how to make future improvements. Involve them in:

  • regular online chats
  • group discussions
  • surveys
  • social media

To involve customers, you have to be creative. Consider developing a contest where both current and potential customers provide feedback regarding the moving service they received. This will in return give the franchise some great input, and at the same time offer numerous publicity opportunities to boost your public image.

And remember to keep track of the feedback you receive and share improvement ideas with your team. If you secure a constant inflow of information from customers, you will be able to constantly improve the quality of your services. As a result, your sales and leads will grow as time goes by.

3. What new technology has been developed to further your cause?

Going old-school can only get you so far. At some point, you have to optimize your operations and processes. One way to do this is to educate yourself and employees about new software improvements for movers. Read up about modern software tools that can help you improve company departments such as:

  1. Accounting
  2. Marketing
  3. Customer relations

All this can go towards increasing overall productivity and revenue. But if you are in the dark about such tools, you can’t really use them, can you?

So in order to stay ahead of your competition in terms of technology, stay updated. Read moving business blogs, marketing and movers-related publications to hone your skills. Review television commercials, print advertisements, news announcements, and current events. This can help trigger creative, innovative ideas, and solutions to problems in your industry.

4. Who can help you stay ahead of your competition?

Hire a team of energetic people who care about the growth of your business. Constantly motivate your team to do well and reward excellence. It’s also wise to give franchisees the independence they require to make their own decisions and truly be entrepreneurs. This will empower them to learn from their mistakes and realize that their success or failure is based upon their own actions.

Teamwork and partnership - good relations help you stay ahead of your competition.
Who better to help you stay ahead of your competition than your team?

To expand the business more quickly, consider researching the possibility of hiring franchise brokers. Today, numerous brokers are available to help expand the business in areas one cannot access effectively. The advantage they have is that they have access to large databases of contact. So they can help you get a competitive edge for development.

This is a local-to-global strategy where they oversee regional, national, and international franchise development for companies. All the while, the franchise system can concentrate on core business activities. But when hiring a broker, conduct a background check and be very specific about what is involved. Write down exactly what the responsibilities will be and what is expected from the broker’s services.

5. Do you have a competitor plan?

You can develop a plan of actions once a franchise system:

  • conducts the appropriate research
  • knows its customers
  • has the right technology and team members in place

Review all of the information and figure out regular activities that will keep the firm “in the know” and spark creativity. Consider what your team can do on a daily, weekly, monthly, and annual basis to stay ahead of your competition? Write down specific actions to determine what steps are necessary to reach goals. Consider the following steps:

  • regular employee brainstorming sessions
  • attendance of various trade shows
  • online seminars participation
  • customer-appreciation events
  • presentations to targeted audiences.

Whatever is decided, note that a plan-of-action will evolve and change with industry trends, customer input and franchise activity. This will result in keeping your competitor’s strategy up-to-date. In addition, it can also inspire creativity and unique products and services.

6. Are you aggressive enough to stay ahead of your competition?

If you want to accomplish success, it is absolutely essential to have a good work ethic and do whatever it takes to promote your business. It is very easy to reach a certain point of success and then slack off a bit. But this is exactly when your competition sees an opportunity to move ahead quickly and steal potential customers.

To avoid this scenario, take the time to re-evaluate current strategies and tactics on a regular basis. Start by reviewing all of the areas of franchise exposure. Although it can be easy to postpone necessary updates, the materials presented to the public are very important to business success.

Have outsiders examine current information and provide feedback. They can provide significant insight into errors and important issues that may have been missed. Also, confirm that the Web site is professional and current. After all, a recent study by the Pew Internet and American Life Study indicates that “Internet penetration among adults in the U.S. has hit an all-time high and continues to grow.

With this in mind, spend the money to hire experienced SEO specialists, copywriters, graphic designers, technicians, and publicists to ensure that your messages are on target and offer the best impression possible.

Also review all customer testimonials, news items, and current activities for potential publicity opportunities. Obtain third-party endorsements through various articles, television interviews, and online quotes. This will help build significant and credible, brand awareness for much less than paying for large, advertisement placements.