Post-Crisis Recovery For Movers | Movers Development

Post-crisis recovery for movers – how to approach it?

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Coming back after the crisis caused by the global COVD-19 pandemic is among the primary concerns of businesses now. Different industries were affected in different ways, and some had more difficulties than others. Nevertheless, every business suffered to a degree, the moving industry included. Borders were closed, and with social distancing introduced to our everyday lives, no one wanted to leave the safety of their home. Even though things have calmed a bit, we can expect a second wave to hit us any time now. With that in mind, let’s talk about post-crisis recovery for movers, and how to approach it and prepare for the possible second crisis.

Let everyone know you are back in business, stronger than ever!

Before anything else, you must communicate with your customers. Once people understand that moving companies still operate normally, they will start planning relocations again. However, it is also crucial to let them know you are following all the required health procedures:

  • wearing masks and gloves when handling customer’s belongings
  • taking care of personal hygiene of your employees
  • keeping social distance
  • testing employees for Coronavirus on a regular basis

All of these things are important if you wish to create a safe and secure environment for future customers.

Allow your users to schedule relocations online

With social distancing in place, even though a lot of companies started working again, people still don’t want to be close to other people. For that reason, allow your users to schedule relocations online.

Woman surrounded by boxes, looking at her laptop
If you allow your users to schedule an online relocation, you are helping them stay safe.

This step keeps your customers safe and saves time for them. They don’t have to waste time going out. Furthermore, there are many moving companies that have instant moving quote calculators customers can use to get a precise estimate for their upcoming move.

Assess the loses of your company

Before the post-crisis recovery process for movers can be started, it is imperative to assess business losses over the past few months. All moving companies lost money on canceled deals, and you must calculate how much money was lost.

This is imperative if you wish to build a business model for months to come. Financial damage has many layers, from hard profit loss numbers to cash flow issues. A good idea is to compare your financial status with the one from the last year, so you can figure out the difference and estimate the amount of work you will need to recover.

Re-structure your business plan

No matter how well your business operated in the pre-COVID-19 world, now it will have to change. When I talk about re-structuring your business plan, this does not have to include large changed for all. Some businesses can fine-tune their strategies to include post-COVID-19 safety requirements. The needs and the demands of your clients change, you have to meet their expectations all over again.

Have a discussion about the best ways to drive your business forward. Furthermore, talk about advertising and marketing.

Do you need financial aid?

This is a crucial question to answer. After assessing the losses of your company, and discussing how to re-structure your business plan, it is important to talk about the necessity for financial aid.

Many companies are looking for loans to jumpstart their business. Another very useful strategy is to turn towards the Paycheck Protection Program. The U.S. Small Business Association offers aid to small businesses in the form of SBA loans.

Roll of money, a calculator, notepad, and pencil
Evaluate your financial situation and ask for financial aid if needed.

If, however, you discover that a loan is not necessary at the moment, try to run your business without it.

Look into new markets

Sadly, not all moving companies will be back on their feet. Some suffered major losses and were forced to close their doors. However, that opens a whole new market for you. Someone will have to fill in the gap they left in the business. Recognizing and seizing new opportunities is imperative for your survival.

Focus on specialized moving services

After this whole pandemic, the demand for specialized services rises. It is clearly visible how well pharmacies and grocery stores worked during the lockdown. When it comes to relocation, there is also a need for specialized moving services.

For example, in my area, they emptied a hospital and moved all the patients to a different location, so the current hospital can take Coronavirus patients. Even though hospitals will not ask for moving services when relocating patients, they might need help with moving equipment if necessary.

This is just an example, but you see what I have in mind. Research what type of services may have a rise in popularity, and focus all of your strengths and resources towards that goal.

Think of innovative ways to re-shape the moving industry

One of the best practices you can include in your weekly meetings is to talk about innovative ways to provide better service. Virtual moving estimates have already changed the moving industry, but that does not mean there is no place for new ideas. As mentioned before, shift your focus towards keeping your clients safe.

Create a contingency plan for a new crisis

It is safe to say that a new crisis will happen very soon. Coronavirus is still among us, and it is probably here to stay for a longer period of time. However, there is one major benefit you did not have before. Now, you know what to expect. Create a contingency plan that will allow your business to keep running even when the second wave of COVID-19 happens.

Man with a notepad, outside
Sit down with your people and create a contingency plan for the future.

Keep your chin up and stay strong!

There is nothing else to say but to stay strong and endure. The post-crisis recovery for movers is possible if you approach it in the right way. The virus is here, but it can be beaten if we think smart and do everything we can to protect ourselves. And, by protecting yourself, you also protect your business. Think smart and stay healthy!