6 crucial components of a quality moving company homepage | Movers Development

6 crucial components of a quality moving company homepage

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Imagine that you are in the market for a new house for your growing family. You go house-hunting through the neighborhood and pull up in front of a home. The first thing you will notice is the driveway, the front lawn, and the house exterior. That first impression you get from the house is impactful and will most certainly affect your decision afterward. At Movers Development, we understand how important first impressions are, so we pay extra attention when creating the homepage for your business. Your homepage is what your clients will see first, and we can help you learn about components of a quality moving company homepage. Keep reading and make sure you get the chance to make an excellent first impression.

Six components of a quality moving company homepage

There is no universal template for a homepage. Just as each business is different, so should its online portrayal be the same. However, there are always shared elements that each homepage should have – elements that give it authority and weight. Here is our pick of the top 6 components that every moving company homepage should possess:

Every successful story has a headline

person making a google search on components of a quality moving company webpage
Capture the immediate attention of your potential clients by having a well-structured homepage

When creating a webpage for your business, you want to convey your story to potential clients. It is understandable that you will want to start by introducing yourself and giving your story a headline. You can do that by using your company logo and headline places on your homepage – clearly telling your visitors who you are and what you do.

Your moving company logo is something people will recognize you for, so you should place it on top of your homepage. Your headline and sub-headlines should contain a brief description of what you do and are capable of doing. Great headlines will engage users within seconds, capturing their attention and making them want to learn more.

Grab the attention of your visitors with an engaging call-to-action

You are well aware of the fact that generating quality international moving leads is hard work. Merely owning a business and being excellent at what you do is sometimes not good enough. You have to go the extra mile to generate quality international moving leads, which is hard work. With all that hard work you put into developing your moving business, it would be unimaginable to have a poor web presence. Your moving company website and your homepage are the faces of your moving business, and you should use them to pull potential clients in.

If you want your visitors to get involved, you ought to have a visually appealing call to action. That way, you will invite them to browse through the inner pages and hopefully pull them into the sales cycle. When creating a compelling homepage, a great technique is to make the CTA oriented towards a clear and concise action – direct and easy to click on. With this approach, you will most likely have better chances of giving your visitor that needed jolt to engage fully.

Humans are highly visual beings

person looking at images on laptop
High quality, captivating photos are crucial components of a quality moving company homepage

More often than not, you can tell a story without even using words. A great image can capture attention and engage your homepage visitors in a significant way. Thus, a quality, carefully chosen supportive picture is one of the essential components of a great moving company homepage. You should use images that depict what you are offering to your clients. The images should be high-quality but optimized for web and mobile views. Adding an alt-tag to your images will work towards your moving company SEO efforts. Above all, the photos on your homepage should capture emotions and give your company website more authority.

Let the visitor know the benefits of using your services

You have probably spent some time developing your moving business and creating moving solutions that best fit the needs of your client base. In that process, you have developed a range of moving services that comprise your offer. You want the visitors of your company website to see your offer right away. Including the list of services you provide on your company homepage, together with a short description, is one step closer to ensuring your target audience’s attention.

Besides a list of moving solutions, you should state clear and concise benefits of using your services. Adding an extra feature like an online moving cost calculator will only boost the perception of your business as a professional service provider with a transparent and complete set of client-oriented moving solutions.

Share success stories with the world

audience written on a whiteboard
Know and speak to your audience through quality content.

Including a brief list of testimonials on your company homepage can and most likely will increase your credibility. People like to hear from other people about the products and services they use. You may have some excellent moving solutions and a range of moving relocation services, but it is of little use if no one has anything to say about it.

Place a few short testimonials on your homepage, make them visually appealing and consistent with the design. It should give your overall website credibility a boost in the right direction. Your brand name resonance and, above all, online reputation is critical, and you should keep track, find out where it is coming from and nurture it. Investing in the proper moving industry software is one of the steps you could take. You can get insight into your clients’ perceptions and use it to define your brand more accurately.

Don’t forget the footer as one of the essential components of a quality moving company homepage

Both the header and footer of your homepage should be information-oriented. Your footer should contain all the relevant pieces of information your visitor needs to contact you. Besides the contact information, be sure to include social media links and a sitemap with all relevant links.

Ease the navigation for your visitor and provide them with enough tools to reach you on various platforms. That will engage the visitor and add to your web and social media presence, making your moving company look professional and well-organized. As you work hard on creating a well-organized company structure, you should invest the same amount of dedication into your website layout.

Give your homepage the value it deserves

As mentioned before, your homepage is the gate your visitors should pass to involve themselves in your business story. Make the entrance accessible and open to your visitors. Use all tools available to make the right first impression and include all the necessary components of a quality moving company homepage. Reach out to our website design and development specialists and make your clients see your full potential.