Best type of content for movers - diversity | Movers Development

Best type of content for movers – diversity

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Everything gets old after a while. You find a strategy that works for you and it is only natural for you to see how far it will get you. However, there comes a point when it simply won’t be enough anymore. So, what can you do to prevent such an unfortunate situation? The answer is simple and right in front of you. People like diversity. Google values diversity. So that is exactly what your content for movers needs to be – as diverse and as unpredictable as possible. And trust me, from a moving companies development perspective, this is what will bring you the absolute best results.

Content is King - but what types of content will help you wear the crown.
Your success in business today is dependent on content. So learn what types of content work best for movers to ensure the growth of your company.

The diverse types of content for movers to use

If you want content that converts as many as one of every five readers into buyers, then your focus needs to switch to quality SEO for movers. Over time, solid material beats a lot of “cheat-the-system” content every time. However, it’s possible to follow these best practices and end up with great content for movers. The kind that draws a lot of traffic and connects with those readers – it makes them want to stay or convert.

Keep in mind that though all of these content types convert well, the following tips we give below will help get your rate as high (or higher) than the average. Without further delay, here are the nine types of content for movers with the highest click-through and conversion rates:

1. Quizzes and Tests

Give your readers the option to press Quiz just like you would Enter.
Offer your visitors a challenge that they will find interesting enough to follow the content your provide.

Try to recall one of these pop-up tests or quizzes that aim to test some random aspect of your personality or life. How many times did you disregard those things? How many times did you decide to waste a couple of minutes on them? Well, what if I were to tell you that over 80% of people actually decide to do those tests, just for the fun of it.

We are competitive and curious by nature – some might call that a deadly combination. And when you exploit that human trait with a type of test that connects to your area of business, you’ve got them hooked. Keep in mind that most people take these quizzes for fun. They are, on average, 2-3 minutes in length. Tests are also very likely to be shared – expect the results to be contested once in a while, too. That debate is healthy for you. Any interaction makes it more likely that people will remember (and follow) your brand.

2. Blog posts – the foundation of content for movers

The average conversion of an individual blog post might not seem like much, but the effect can compound. The more relevant and useful blog posts you have, the more likely a reader will be to subscribe or respond to any of your offers – now and in the future. One such example for our line of business would be a movers news blog section.

The keys to writing a well-converting blog post are in the format, targeting, and copywriting techniques used. Yes, you want to provide value for your customers. Giving people, your readers, access to great content is a must – but you have to organize and present it in a way they understand and will read. That’s the basis of conversion optimization.

When you write a blog post, combine it with a few other content types. Infographics, videos, and list-format work especially well. And in today’s mobile world it’s important to make things easy to read on all devices. More companies are building apps for their customers and it’s only getting easier with app makers.

3. Infographics

Blog posts with infographics in them are 3x more likely to be shared on social media. Not only that, but they appeal to anyone who likes to skim (which is most of us these days.) People are visual creatures. Infographics play to that tendency very well. This is a concise way to deliver content and spread a message to a growing customer base.

Various types of infrographics and color patterns will entice clients to follow your content more closely.
If your content is visually engaging enough, your conversion rate will grow accordingly.

What does that mean for your conversion rate? More eyes and more expertise. It’s easier for an image or infographic to become stuck in someone’s memory than it is for a paragraph to be. If people pay more attention to you and then remember what you have to offer, they are more likely to come back if they aren’t convinced to sign up or make a purchase the first time around.

4. Videos

Want a higher click-through rate immediately? Get out your video camera. Just using video content will increase your CTR by 20% right now. As long as you advertise it – include “video” in email subject lines and headlines. Planning on using a video as an ad for your business? Make it entertaining and informational first. Don’t just go straight to your sales pitch. Give before you get.

When you’re writing a sales video, remember to:

  • Include your introductions – make sure they know who you are up front.
  • Tell a story – talk about a big win (or even a failure) for your company. People respect authenticity.
  • Slow down. Don’t talk too fast.
  • Keep it brief. No more than 3 minutes. Better, under 30 seconds.
  • Put your CTA at the very end.

5. Contests

Contests are for those who need more eyes on their brand – more exposure and a boost to their brand strategy development. They can lead to some pretty big boosts in subscriber counts, too. That can create momentum.

The keys to successful contests:

  • Offer a prize relevant to your content, products, or services.
  • Offer easy opt-outs for freebie seekers
  • Don’t expect to see a direct correlation to new subscribers and sales – not right away.
  • Incentive sharing – extra entries for every share on X channel, etc.

6. Lists

People love lists. This post itself is a list. Indeed, it’s a tactic often exploited by clickbait creators. Even more, it’s a format that can benefit your readers, when executed right. Lists help people break things down: more and less important, the correct sequence of steps, different ideas, etc. For example, a list of top apps for moving needs can be displayed better than an article written about app makers. In short, lists are easy – your brain likes easy. So does everyone else’s.

Having a checklist or list of points useful in terms of content for movers is visually enticing.
Lists are simple yet informative – exactly what people like to see.

When you go to write a list, try to keep these points in mind:

  • The more points, the more comprehensive a list feels: 9 is better than 3.
  • Odd numbers get more attention than even numbers (Unless the number ends in 0 – like 10 or 20).
  • Organize your content in a specific way: best to worst, easiest to hardest, most to least effective, etc.
  • Make the best obvious – especially if you’re promoting something specific. In this case, more options can lead to confusion and “analysis paralysis” which may make them opt out entirely.

7. “About” page weighs in on content for movers

There’s an element of surprise to having an outstanding “About” page. People expect it to read “Back in 1950, we founded our moving company with the belief that…” The surprising thing? Excellent web pages have moved beyond that. They realize that an “About” page is one of the top 3 most viewed pages on their website.

An “About” page that converts viewers into loyal readers or customers will have these features:

  • It will tell your story. It doesn’t have to be a particularly enthralling read – you and your company just must seem human. There should be something in that story that connects with its reader.
  • That said, the more interesting it is, the more likely people will want to share your story.
  • Your “About” page is about selling your brand. Include a contact form or other CTA (call to action).
  • Use more than three paragraphs. If a reader clicks on your “About” page, they want to know more about you and your brand. Give them information.
  • Include a case study or group of testimonials. What other people say about you is often stronger than what you have to say.

8. Social Media Posts

Every time one of your posts is shared, it’s like a mini-testimonial. That, along with the ability to easily connect with your audience, is the power of social media marketing. The socially-recognized proof is a powerful conversion tool that you should never underestimate.

Social media connections on various platforms are important for the expansion of business.
Sharing is caring, and if nobody has shared it, then it’s like it doesn’t exist.

Social media posts can also just be shortened or “teaser” versions of longer posts found on your primary website. It’s easy to create them and difficult to deny their potential. This is why taking the time to invest in the development of content for movers via social media platforms can only lead to good things.

9. Case Studies

If you have a more expensive service on offer or you need more information from someone, you need a powerful form of persuasion. Your content for movers must say that you are an expert, you are recommended, what you offer will do what you say it will. When you want someone to put out hundreds or thousands of dollars, click-bait tactics fall through. You will be under additional scrutiny – and that is where the appeal of case studies comes in.

A case study is a report detailing the before and after state of something (and sometimes the process in between). It can include an interview with the customer, data collected with tools you cannot tamper with, etc. The more “outside” proof you have, the more persuasive the case study.

Always remember this

It’s not always “what kind of content for movers you use” as much as it is “how that content for movers is designed and presented.” You only want to attract certain customers, not everyone. In the case of contests, you’ll want to weed out random freebie-seekers. With social media, your numbers will include actual loyal readers and a strong percentage of “joiners.”

Maintaining the integrity to put out strong content will keep these numbers at a minimum, compared to clickbait-type content that attracts more of the wrong types than the right ones. It might be a good starting point to explore marketing terms relevant for the upcoming year so as to ensure that your content will match up and rise to the very top of the moving industry. For everything else, you have the full support of Movers Development on your side.