How to build a sales funnel for your moving business | Movers Development

How to build a sales funnel for your moving business

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There is an entire science behind the sales process – one that explores every aspect of the customer’s journey in order to provide businesses with the insight necessary for not only engaging but also converting leads into actual customers. A successful moving business understands how to nurture leads and guide them from interest to closing the deal. This is where the importance of a sales funnel comes into play – to be the tunnel that leads site visitors right to the front doors of your business and the services it offers. In this article, Movers Development gives you the essential guidelines to build a sales funnel for your moving business.

What is a sales funnel for a moving company?

If you want to build a sales funnel for your moving business, then, of course, you first need to know what a sales funnel is. In simple terms, a ‘sales funnel’ is the process of first capturing and then converting the interest of your potential customers into actual customers. The funnel can be loosely divided into three parts and four stages. The top of the funnel covers the ‘awareness’ stage, in which you just attract potential customers. Then comes the middle, with the ‘interest’ and ‘decision’ stages. This is the part where you convince the person they need a service, and ‘funnel’ them further to your own business. The bottom of the funnel corresponds to the ‘action’ stage. As implied, this means that a ‘potential customer’ finally turns into an actual customer. The question, then, becomes: how to build a sales funnel for your moving business, and do it well?

Building the top of the funnel

Since the top of the funnel basically means trying to build up the name of your business and your brand in order to have a further reach that will allow you to capture the attention of an audience, you will need to do some marketing. One of the best, and most cost-effective methods to do this is to invest in advertising your moving business. In particular, you can make excellent use of social media to increase the ‘awareness’ of your business.

Ironing out your marketing strategy
You will need to carefully consider your marketing strategy to succeed!

Naturally, you will need to dedicate a team to deal with your online presence. Another useful method is to try and get as many citations as you can. Google My Business and similar are very helpful here. Of course, you should not discard the importance of more traditional methods, either. Relying on ads can have varying levels of effectiveness, but it is still a pretty good approach to consider.

What to do for the middle of the funnel

Capturing ‘interest’

If you want to build a sales funnel for your moving business, just relying on the surface level of interest brought about by your marketing efforts is not enough. You can learn how to do marketing better with the help of the content found on our website. However, you also need to have some kind of interesting content to offer, be it on your social media profiles or your business website. In fact, an extremely good way to generate interest is through using blogs.

As a moving business, you have a lot of experience to draw on when dealing with a move. You can offer all sorts of interesting tips and guides. If you post them on your blog, you will be able to capture the interest of your audience while, at the same time, pointing them towards why they need the help of a professional.

Helping to make a ‘decision’

When trying to build a sales funnel for your moving business, the hardest part is actually stepping over the stage of ‘interest’ into making a ‘decision’. This is the crucial moment when the customer decides they do, in fact, need your help. You would have already made progress in such efforts through hints dropped in your blog’s content.

For example, pointing out how difficult it is to not damage fragile belongings or similar. The customer is, at this point, already tempted to hire you. However, they still have reservations that can prevent them from doing so. Most often, this stems from the price. To make matters worse, lots of people dislike contacting a business before they have firmed up their decision to hire them. At such a stage, it is extremely helpful to have firmly laid out prices for your services, as well as an online moving calculator.

Some things to keep in mind

Now, if you do everything right, you are almost done with the process of trying to build a sales funnel for your moving business. However, it is actually very easy to make a mistake during the ‘interest’ and ‘decision’ stages. The first most common mistake is not understanding your customer base. If you misunderstand their interests, you can lose them right at the start. For example, you cannot write about interstate moves if you predominantly offer local moving services.

Laptop with data on it.
Always pay attention to your site’s data to gauge your efforts’ effectiveness!

Thankfully, there is plenty of moving software that will allow you to better understand your target audience’s behavior and interests through tracking their activity on your website. The second most common mistake made is to be very pushy in your advertisement and offering your services. Subtle and soft advertisement is far more effective. It lets people naturally arrive at the decision to hire you instead of feeling like forcing their hand.

Sorting out the bottom of the funnel

The most important thing to sort out for the bottom of your sales funnel is actually your customer service. Even if a person has decided to take ‘action’ and finally hire you, they might give up if you seem inaccessible or the process is a hassle. Think about it: If you can’t find contact information easily, you might just give up on looking. Similarly, even if the info is easy to find, if no one answers your calls or email then you’d naturally move on.

Audience written on whiteboard
Ultimately, all of your efforts to build a sales funnel for your moving business depend on your target audience!

Finally, if you have a particular request or need some of the services a bit better tailored for your needs, but the business refuses to even consider it, you’d naturally try to find someone else to work with. Similar issues can be caused by rude or impatient employees. So, you really need to pay a lot of attention to this aspect of doing business.

Final word

Knowing how to build a sales funnel for your moving business is, of course, just the start. It will take a lot of effort and resources, even if the theory of it seems relatively easy. “Interesting content” is a rather relative term all on its own, for example. You will need a thorough understanding of your goals and target audience to succeed at every step of this path.