Ways for movers to maintain lead generation after the peak season - Movers Development

Ways for movers to maintain lead generation after the peak season

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During peak season, you get more potential customers than you can handle. Your phones are constantly ringing, your email inbox is full to bursting, and you’re so overbooked you have to turn people away. But once summer is over and the weather starts to turn, things will go back to normal. You’ll want the support of Movers Development internet marketing services to attract customers again. Even then, you’re unlikely to keep up the same rhythm. But if you want to grow your business, you need to maintain lead generation after the peak season too. Here are some tips on how to do just that!

Why is it important for movers to maintain lead generation after the peak season?

Moving is a seasonal business. The vast majority of relocations will happen during the few summer monthsthe peak season. It is this time that will be the busiest and the most profitable for you as a company. In fact, many moving companies are only in the black at this time; off-season, they struggle to so much as break even.

Calculator and paper on desk.
More leads translate to more customers which results in more profits.

But this is not a sustainable business model in the long run. It puts too much pressure on you to make insane amounts of profits during the peak season while underrating the importance of year-round efforts. If possible, you want to avoid working like this. Instead, you need to work on generating moving company leads during the off-season as well to maintain momentum. Not only will you increase your annual profits but you’ll also spread them more equitably throughout the year so that you don’t have to rely entirely on the peak season for survival.

How can movers maintain lead generation after the peak season?

During peak season, you’ll have leads coming in left and right seemingly without any effort on your part. But once the weather starts getting colder, children go back to school, and adults come back from their vacations, it becomes much harder to keep attracting the same amount of potential customers. So what can you do to improve your position?

Work on your brand

During peak season, the demand for movers is exceptionally high. This puts you in a great position – you’ll have customers vying for your services. In the off-season, the opposite is true. People no longer need to choose whoever is available; instead, they get their pick of movers. This means you’ll have a harder time converting potential customers.

So, you need to invest in getting the word out there about who you are, what you do, and what makes you so special compared to your competition. This is why branding your moving business is a good choice during the slow months. It increases your recognizability and gives people a good understanding of your business that they can connect with. Even if it doesn’t work immediately, it can make you an attractive choice later.

Adjust your expectations

In the off-season, there simply aren’t as many people looking for moving services. There’s nothing you can really do about this; that’s just how the industry works. So don’t set your sights too high – you cannot expect to get the same amount of leads in the off-season as you do during the summer. You will need to redefine what success means outside of peak season. What is a reasonable amount of business to strive for? How many leads can you realistically expect on a monthly basis? What does a good month look like during fall and winter? Be objective with your strategies and you won’t be disappointed!

Lower your criteria

Beggars can’t be choosers – when you don’t have thousands of leads coming in, you can’t be picky about the ones that you are receiving. Instead, you should stop focusing on your ideal customer and start targeting people that you feasibly can serve even if they’re not your demographic. Expand to surrounding areas, change the minimum and maximum weights you’re willing to take on, start providing small moving services or short-notice relocations, and offer seasonal discounts to attract more customers.

Person looking at a map.
Reach out to customers in a wider area to generate more leads.

Invest more in marketing

Good and consistent marketing is important year-round. But in the off-season, it is often the difference between failure and success. You will simply need to work harder to generate leads and convert customers when the demand is low – there’s no avoiding that. So be proactive and increase your marketing efforts. Instead of expecting customers to reach out to you, meet them where they are:

Quality marketing is your best weapon against the quiet of the off-season.

Follow up on leads

Every customer counts during the off-season. You need to make sure you don’t miss out on any potential relocation. So don’t just rely on good marketing; go a step further and follow up on leads. Retarget old customers, use mailing lists to send out newsletters, and reach out directly to high-quality leads. It shows that you care and gives you more opportunities to convert potential customers. By using all the benefits of CRM software, you can find high-quality leads and focus on pushing them through the sales pipeline.

Cut costs where you can

Cash, calculator, and notepad.
Budgeting for the off-season can help you spend smarter.

In order to keep your profits within acceptable margins, you’ll need to have a good financial plan. There are some things you simply have to keep investing in: maintaining your trucks, marketing your business, updating your online moving quote calculator to reflect different discounts and other things that will attract customers and keep them satisfied. But there may be other areas where you don’t have to be so diligent during the off-season. You may, for example, be able to cut your hours and work with a skeleton crew. Or you can order fewer packing supplies. You could even consider working from home so you don’t have to keep renting offices. Cutting costs where you can help you divert funds into generating leads instead.

Think long-term

The off-season will eventually end. When that happens, you want to be ready. So don’t forget that lead generation in the fall and winter months don’t have to pay off immediately – it can be a headstart for the next peak season. So don’t obsess over getting every single lead through all the stages of a sales pipeline immediately. You can, instead, use the off-season to prepare for the next summer.

Is it possible to maintain lead generation after the peak season at all?

The truth is that you will never have the same amount of business in the off-season as you do during summer. The demand is simply not there. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to maintain lead generation after the peak season. After all, you cannot just give up for the rest of the year. Generating leads during fall and winter will pay off, both short-term and long-term, even if you are not able to reach the same highs as you do during the peak season.