Guide to boost blog performance | Movers Development

Guide to boost blog performance

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Website blogs have become an important part of search engine optimization for movers. They make a great contribution from multiple business aspects. If you have a proper blog with well-optimized content, Google and other search engines will be the first to recognize it. The next influence you make is on online visitors and potential leads. It helps put a personal touch on the work you do. So, it is only logical that you want it to work to its maximum capacity. And yet, it’s not as easy as it sounds. People think that as long as you write and publish on a weekly basis and put in some media and links, you’re good. However, there is more to it. Thus, you need to boost blog performance constantly, and here are some tips to get you started.

Blog post showing on desktop, tablet, smart phone - learn how to boost blog performance on all of these devices.
Learn all you need for a quick blog performance boost.

Get the most out of your blog content

With the help of some simple diagnostics and analysis of popular moving trends, you can find an endless supply of quality content. All it takes is a little research and innovation – and you end up saving a whole lot of time and effort on your blog. In fact, the first thing you should do is look through the existing blog posts you have. Check which ones you can re-build and re-vamp to help boost blog performance. But just to help you get there, here are some quick and efficient tips that you might find useful to avoid banging your head for new content ideas.

Boost blog performance in less than 30 minutes

By now, you will have probably read the sub-title and are thinking: “That’s not possible“. But in fact, it is – just hear us out. For example, take two completely different blog posts about moving:

  1. The first one generates a very low Click Through Rate (CTR) but generates over 7,000+ views on a monthly basis
  2. This one generates a much higher CTR but only has around 50 views monthly.

So, with these two prime examples in mind, let’s see what steps you can take to boost the performance of either in a matter of hours.

  • Check up on Calls To Action (CTAs)

All blogs should have a line of text or image that will invite readers and leads to take action and purchase the services you offer. But in the case of the two posts, the one with poor performance lacked the call to action necessary to get visitors to proceed to any other relevant content. Thus, they and the company missed out on the purchase of services and potential long-term customers.

  • Upgrade your link strategy to boost blog performance

You can’t have a well-performing blog or website content without a proper linking strategy in place. It’s important that your internal pages are well intertwined as well as that you have sufficient external links leading to relevant content for the reader. So, it might happen that you come up with a new product or service but neglect to link the blog posts to those pages. This is something that can be fixed in a matter of minutes and will bring instant results.

Link building icon - work in progress.
Link building is an important part of any well-performing blog.

So, let’s say we just introduced a “Storage Services” page on our website. We then added some CTAs inviting customers to try our affordable and climate-controlled storage units. We also made sure to add some new links on the new page we created, and also added some pages on some of our blog posts to help customers discover the new content and services. All in all, about 15 minutes of work went into the research and 15 more minutes into making the actual modifications as explained above. As a result, we managed to boost blog performance in a total of 30 minutes (give or take a minute).

Get more organic traffic from low-performance posts

We all know how difficult it can be to invest time and energy in the perfect post with rich and optimized content. The worst scenario then would be to watch that same content analytics (via Google Analytics or HubSpot) show that no one is seeing it. But it’s not as bad as you might think. There are still steps that you can take to fix this. And here are the elements of your blog post that you should look to boost towards higher performance:

The title

Logically enough, what better place to start an operation “boost blog performance” than from the title. There is a good way to check whether or not your title is a dud. For example, if you have a blog RSS feed email set up and your email subject line is auto-populated with the blog title, this can work as a good test.

Newsletter - Did You Know that the title plays a key role in the success of a blog post?
The task of a good title is to draw the reader in while at the same time giving an idea of what to expect from the blog post itself.

Put yourself in the shoes of your readers – none of them really want to waste time reading something that they’re used to. You have to find a title that will get their attention just enough for them to ask themselves what your post is all about. So, if this is the case, look to find a way to spice up the title a bit – make it more appealing to your everyday reader. The best titles are those that contain a bit of everything – they are pleasant to the eyes and ears while at the same time bear weight about them. They appeal to your curiosity as a reader, while reading them offers relevance to a certain topic. And of course, always remember to try and incorporate the relevant keywords in your title, as it will boost blog rankings in search engine results.

Boost blog performance with the right keywords

You won’t have much use of the perfect blog if you are missing all the keywords relevant to your company. In case you are aiming for a keyword with a particularly high difficulty score (30+), you will need much more than a single post to get you somewhere good. In fact, you should then dedicate part of your content strategy to that particular keyword.

The opposite end of the coin is to have a keyword with a very low score. Movers Development works with professional moving companies with countless keywords, so we see this all the time. Highly relevant keywords and phrases have very low monthly search volume. It is because of that that you need to shift your focus from high search volumes to the quality and number of leads you get from searches.

The page performance

When ranking your post, Google takes into account:

  • how long a person stays on a page,
  • if they really read the page or if they leave after just a few seconds.

Improve your content to get the current visitors to stay longer. Creating better content with a great experience for the readers can help.

Low traffic blog that drives high-quality leads

So you have this great piece of content that really resonates with your target audience and drives great leads. The only problem is that you only get a small number of visitors per month to the post. Let’s see what you can do to influence and change that in your favor.

Advice #1 – Amplification

Amplify the reach of that post by using paid advertising. Push that content through LinkedIn and Facebook as sponsored posts to your target audiences. You already know that the post drives leads, so investing some money to get it in front of new target buyers is a wise investment. Even if the leads are generated from the post-decline with the expanded reach, you are likely to increase your overall followers on your social channels. So if this blog post doesn’t show too much improvement, you are still leading to better engagement and future conversions from potential clients.

Advice #2 – Boost blog performance by continuously promoting it

It might happen that some of your potential customers have gone past the stage where they might find your content practical. This does not mean that your content is not relevant, simply a matter of bad timing. So, you have to keep sharing the content and target it at key points of the year. If your target audience has a key research period for a topic that your blog post covers, use every channel possible to get that content out there during that time.

Advice #3 – Send targeted emails

Email campaigns have become an important element of marketing for moving companies. You need to be in constant presence in the eyes of your potential customers, to remind them that you are here and that your content matters. So, in addition to sharing content on your social media channels, try to send a series of emails to relevant prospects as well.

Person exploring updated and expanded blog content on their tablet.
You need to constantly build and improve your content, and use every opportunity to remind others of that.

Remember this – the fact that you shared your blog content several months ago on your LinkedIn account does not mean that everyone had a chance to see it. So, instead of putting it to rest and moving on, go back a step and work on that content some more. Update the information, provide new insights, improve the language to rank higher on search engine results, etc. Basically, do whatever you think necessary to give you the opportunity to re-share the post even to those who read it the first time.