How to Find Content Gaps and Fix Them | Movers Development

How to find content gaps and fix them

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Content is one of the best ways a moving company can reach out to its customers and engage with them. However, this means that you always need to be at your best when publishing and sharing content. If you publish content that your audience does not like, you can very easily lose their interest and, therefore, a chunk of your customer base. Even worse, you risk pushing potential customers in the direction of your competitors. In addition to being able to find good topics to post about, another crucial skill is knowing how to find content gaps and fix them. This will allow you to always provide holistic content for your audience to enjoy. In this article, Movers Development explores the notion of content gaps, how to recognize them, and most importantly – how to fix them. Keep reading to learn more!

Understanding the content gap and its importance

How to find and fix content gaps to reach success.
Bridging gaps in your content leads to the long-term success of any business.

In order to focus properly on how to find content gaps and fix them, first you need to know what they are and why they’re important. In simple terms, ‘content gaps’ are the topics your audience would like to have content on, but your website doesn’t have any. It may seem like it’s not a big deal, especially with all the other content to fuel your SEO and moving company marketing you’ve invested in. However, there are two ways content gaps can hurt you.

First, if there are hot topics your readers would love to hear about, they might just go to your competitors’ sites to read about them. And this is extremely bad for a moving company since people do not move often and the only way to solidify a customer base is through content. The second is missing out on some of the best organic lead generation opportunities.

Make use of available tools

There are plenty of tools out there that you can use to help you find content gaps quickly and efficiently. One of the best examples is Semrush, which lets you easily check out what your competitors are doing content-wise. The tools they provide will get you the list of keywords they’ve used and their rankings. Thereby allowing you to analyze their successes and failures to assess your content strategy.

Does this mean you should only rely on these tools? Of course not. If there are content gaps in your competitor’s content strategies, all you’ll do is follow in their footsteps. But, if you combine such tools with the rest of our advice, you should be able to produce promising results! Just try not to develop tunnel vision, even if your competitors are obviously successful.

Sometimes you can just ask

Honestly, sometimes all you need in order to find content gaps and fix them is to openly engage with your audience. People love making requests, and if you give them the opportunity, they will inundate you with content suggestions. Some of them, of course, will not be of much value and will be extremely niche. But you will be able to use them to gauge topics with the most appeal and to fill in your content gaps.

As a bonus, you will also get to leverage all your customer interactions into wonderful marketing and PR campaigns. Most customers love to be heard and to see genuine proof that you value their input. Asking for preferred content topics lets you give them what you want easily and quickly, and at a minimal cost. Which is about as optimal as it gets when you are trying to boost your reputation and appeal.

Scope out hot topics

Google, properly used, is a powerful content research tool.

Sometimes, Google will be your best friend. This is another example of this happening! If you want to know about hot topics, all you really have to do is try searching Google for them. This is especially the case when analyzing popular Google keywords. This always reveals the latest trends which will help you land tons of organic leads for movers!

There is really only one drawback to this strategy. Namely, you can tap into popular topics, but you will not get your hands on any groundbreaking ideas that will let your content stand out. Similarly, you run the risk of just following the herd and pushing out content that is nearly identical to others. If there’s tons of similar content on quality blogs and websites out there, then people might not choose to check out your site. This, then, would mean you’d wasted time and resources for little gain.

Track the interests of your customer base

Checking social media to find content gaps
Social media can provide a wealth of information.

Another way to find content gaps is to track what your customer base is interested in. Now, this is admittedly somewhat similar to checking the content of your competitors and Google keyword rankings. And it will also likely reveal a lot of similar content. However, it has one added benefit: you can actually find content gaps that both of the previous methods tend to miss.

The best way to do this is to check the social media of your customers. They tend to comment, like, or share bits and pieces of info about topics and content they like. This way, you can note what they are interested in and that isn’t covered by blog posts or major news pieces pushed by Google. This does mean you’ll need to research and learn about the topics yourself, though. If you want to practice this, try being a freelance writer for a time.

Do a content audit

Letter blocks spelling out SEO
It’s smart to check your SEO while doing the audit, too.

Albeit it is unlikely to directly help you find content gaps and fix them, doing a content audit is essential. A content audit is meant to summarize and go over all the content on your moving company website. This will allow you to make a comprehensive list of all keywords which you’ve used on your website. In turn, if you put it into a document and save them, you will be able to quickly cross reference for any keywords you might perceive as falling under your content gap. This means that you’ll save tons of time and effort since you won’t need to go searching through your own website to make sure that you have never written on the subject before.

Final comment

Following our advice, you should have a pretty good grasp of how to find content gaps and fix them. It’s important for you to understand that this task requires patience. You won’t find content gaps easily and it will sometimes seem like a waste of time. It is in those moments that you need to remember that it’s not a waste of your time and energy! Just be patient and think about how helpful it will be for your customer base growth and outreach.